Episode 64

Published on:

12th Jun 2024

5 Ways Christians Ruin Their Lives and Rebuild Them: From Ruin to Redemption // Filip Milosavljevic

Pastor Filip Milosavljevic's sermon "From Ruin to Redemption" addresses challenges faced by Christians in a challenging world. Drawing from biblical examples of Samson and Jesus' and Pauls' teachings, Pastor Filip highlights the importance of honesty, faithfulness, and prioritizing God in order to overcome trials and live out one's mission. He provides practical advice on rebuilding one's life to bring transformation from ruin to redemption. Ultimately, Pastor Filip encourages a life centered on faith in God's redeeming power for a transformed life.

5 Ways Christians Ruin their Lives:

1 - Neglect God for Other Pressing Priorities

2 - Profess Faith Without Living It

3 - Forget Your Mission as a Believer

4 - Don’t Take Sin Seriously

5 - Treat Your Body Like a Tool Instead of a Temple

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About the Podcast

Night Church Sermons by Praxis
Young Adult Ministry Sermon Podcast
Sermons on Friday nights for young adults by @praxisministry, the young adult ministry of the Loma Linda University Church.

Check out Praxis on IG @praxisministry or https://www.praxisministry.org

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